Although we fully realize that there is a lot of further pre development and research, as well as an enormous effort into turning this plan into a reality. We hope that we have proficiently outlined our overall plan and process to achieving the ultimate success, finding a potential permanent solution to the poverty crisis facing Haiti today. We fully believe that Haiti is a untapped resource and has vast potential to rise up and join the rest of the industrial world as an equal.
We believe that the Haitian people have an unrealized potential to compete at any level if just given the opportunity and the proper tools that are required to do so. Most of us take for granted that we are born into a society that provides us with the tools we need to succeed in life. Our limits in life are only the ones that we place on ourselves. Sure, if your born in Beverly Hills your chances of being successful are higher than if you were born in Somalia. But actually those who have to strive and beat adversity are the ones who are truly successful and have the pride of knowing no one gave them anything, they earned it for themselves.
This is what UCG wants to provide the Haitian people. Not a hand out, not a band aid and not charity. We want to provide opportunity. There are no amount of handouts you can give that will ever bring someone out of poverty. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite, the more someone begins to depend on charity, the less their chances of ever rising above it and becoming self reliant. Charity, is a wonderful concept and it makes people feel good that they have given to help someone in need, but if you truly want to help someone give them your time, give them jobs, give them opportunity.
So many people have tried to do the right thing and help those suffering from the absolute horror that was the earthquake of January 2010, that billions upon billions of dollars have been given to help those so much in need. However not only was none of it used to help build the economy and create good permanent jobs, but an unconscionable 1% of those funds even reached the people they were donated to help.
These so called NGO charities, have not only disgracefully mismanaged the money, but the so called Not for Profit organizations have flat out stolen the money and paid exorbitant salaries to those managing them and for what. If you ran a business and squandered 99% of the money, not only would you not have a job to be paid for, but you would be in prison. It is a great question how there is not more outcry from the world, regarding this and how people have not been sent to prison.
However what has been done is done and we are not here to waste time in wondering why. UCG is dedicated to making a difference and providing the Haitian people with what they truly need, jobs. We aim to build a brand new industry in Hemp Production which is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. We also aim to take advantage of the current high market prices of the product, due to relatively low world production and high demand. We understand that this will not last forever, but if the opportunity is approached correctly and managed wisely. Haiti can quite quickly, become one of, if not the world leader in Hemp Production and establish a brand that will stand the test of time.
By the time the world market starts to cool down, due to supply starting to catch up with demand, our plan is to have grown production to such a level that volume will make up for the loss in higher market prices.
We know we cannot fix all of Haiti’s problems overnight, but we can start the process of growing the job market, not only in Hemp Farming, but in all the other side business that will come as a result of people having money to spend. This is what builds a strong and vibrant economy. More people have good jobs and buy goods locally, stimulating the local and national economy and creating more jobs and so on.
If done correctly the process in time can get Haiti on the track to success. This is where our continuing education and campaign to end illiteracy comes in. This is fundamental to building a vibrant workforce and most importantly, allowing the Haitian people themselves to not only work in non skilled and skilled labor, but in management, which is the road to a healthy middle class.
Our plan to build affordable housing is not just building shacks for people to live in, but actually build decent housing, which in the long run is owned by those living in them. They will not be given to them, they will have to work real hard for years to own their own home, just like everyone else in the world. The difference we provide is a way for them to actually achieve this.
When all is said and done, no one will be able to tell these people they were given charity. We aren’t giving them anything, they are going to earn it for themselves and have the pride of knowing they did just that.
Another part of the plan calls for Vertical Farming and Aquaculture, This is another industry that we will be bringing to the country, where at first the most important purpose is to provide a healthy home grown food source for the local people, making them less reliant on importing emergency food. In addition this is the standard of future agriculture.
Vertical Farming and Aquaculture, brings all of the benefits of the most recent technologies into farming for produce and seafood. These methods provide the most return for the least amount of strain on natural resources. Once the local need for food has been resolved, we will continue to expand this industry and use it to create exportable product for the world market. This will produce more jobs and continue to strengthen the economy.
The overall concept that we can’t stress enough is jobs, jobs, jobs. This is the one and only solution to all of the problems facing Haiti today. Create jobs, build a vibrant industrial base and grow the local and national economy. From here we hope to further find ways to continue this trend or have others see the positive results that come from not looking at this through the same old eyes of giving charity.
I’m sure everyone has heard the saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for life”.
In the beginning we plan to bring to Haiti, experts from all over the world to help build this new industry as well as new style of building affordable housing. But the long term goal is to teach the local people how to do things for themselves. We are not here to hide trade secrets and just use outsiders in top management positions. Exactly the opposite, from the very start we will begin to train the local people to handle the tasks of every position so that the long term success of Haiti’s recovery and re development are as vibrant as can be possible.
If received well this proposal, we believe is the best solution that has been presented to change the future of Haiti for the better. UCG is a Venture Capital Firm and as so are subject to yearly unbiased third party accounting. Unlike these Not for Profit NGO’s that collect billions of dollars from trusting people trying to help and answer to no one. We are completely transparent and will answer for every dollar that is entrusted to us to do exactly what we say we will do. Also with UCG 98% of every dollar spent yearly, goes directly to what it is for. Whether Emergency Food & Shelter, Hemp Farming, Vertical Farming, Aquaponics or building Affordable Housing. The money will go exactly where it is supposed to go, directly to helping those it was intended to help.
Another part of our overall plan and big picture is to help in re development of infrastructure, this too will create jobs. As well as bring the hardest hit areas a vital part of any vibrant economy, roads, electricity, water & sewage, etc.
We also foresee the opportunity of future eco tourism becoming another industry that can bring needed revenue into Haiti and all of our plans will only help make this a reality.
Another one of our principle aspects and very important to the Managing Partners of UCG, is that we plan to help as many people as possible, become home owners. Not just renters as in the U.S. Section 8 program. We want to give them an avenue toward the main thing that separates the poor from the middle class, Home Ownership. We will devise a plan in conjunction with the government to provide these homes at first on a rental basis for a very reasonable cost, while working with private banking and possibly the IMF. To build the credit scores of these individuals.
This not only helps them learn the world of banking and responsibility, but also will promote Haiti’s regional and national banking system. Once again helping to build the economy. Unlike the NGO’s who’s focus is simply on raising money and providing emergency relief, which unfortunately never seems to relieve anything. UCG’s approach to this, is to think outside the box and find solutions that work in a symbiotic way to create real world answers that work in more ways than just one.
The focus that UCG, in negotiations with the Haitian government plan, is to find as many possibilities that we can, to build the Haitian economy and lift its people out of poverty, permanently. No matter how much money is donated and spent on disaster relief, there is always a finite amount of resources available and over time people tend to forget and the news cycle becomes focused on the latest tragedy elsewhere in the world. So time is of the essence to use these resources to do the most good possible, while they are available. A vibrant economy and strong industry, is what provides jobs and jobs are what help people out of poverty.
One more final point, if you do a simple Google search, you will find information that states the value of one acre of Hemp can range anywhere from $300 - $35,000. This seems overwhelmingly vast for any of it to be true. However both extremes are true. To determine the value of one acre of Hemp, you need to look at it in 3 different ways. 1. Raw plant material, 2. Processed & refined plant extracts and 3. Finished final product for sale, both wholesale and retail, which actually is much higher than the $35,000 value.
For example from one acre of Hemp you can produce, 8,000 pounds of Hemp Seed, this can be processed into 300 gallons of Hemp Oil, which has a wholesale value of $30 a gallon that alone is $9,000. You then get 6,000 pounds of flour at $2 a pound, which is $12,000. You also get 2 types of fiber, 6 tons of Bast Fiber at $1,000 a ton is $6,000 and 25 tons of Hurds at $300 a ton is $7,500. Add this up and you have a wholesale processed product value of $34,500.
If you just look at the farming and sale of the raw plant material, the actual value is $1,500 to $3,500, depending on quality and size of the plants. If you take the low end and take out costs of production, you can end up with a low end profit of $300 an acre. This is where the vast discrepancy comes from.
But you can take it one step further and consider final retail product, which is hard to actually determine, since there are actually 25,000 possible products that can be produced. However to give just one simple example, 1 ounce of purified cannabidiol can sell for as much as $275.
So the true value of one acre of Hemp is hard to guage and is completely based on what stage of production it is in. In our first two years of operation we will be working on the first two steps of production, selling processed material to wholesale buyers making final products for retail sale. By the third year of operations, we will begin to create and brand Haitian Hemp retail products for sale worldwide, which will increase overall profits significantly.
In the end, UCG’s Managing Partners are committed, not to take the same old approach that is always taken and usually does little to change things. But to forge a new approach, that will bring about real change, that will last for generations to come.
Piti, piti, wazo fe nich li.
Managing Partners
University Capital Group